Monday, July 1, 2013


Today was the first day of class! We looked at some pictures and talked about the different elements of them that stood out to us and made them interesting photographs. I like that we are learning how to have good discussions about art, and it should make our critiques thoughtful and helpful. I am excited to learn a lot of new things in this course, since I have experience in fashion design, but not the other types of design. 
We started brainstorming for our first group project today! My group is working well together, and I think we all have skills that will positively contribute to the project. We started looking for locations today, and we didn't decide on a final one yet because we wanted to be open to any interesting places that we experienced up until class tomorrow. We're looking for a place that will be good to photograph, and have interesting elements to draw inspiration from. So far, we have been attracted to old architecture and alley-type places. This staircase was particularly interesting. 
It was cool because it has a lot of different angles and places you could shoot from, and it also has a lot of good geometric shapes. These are pictures of a couple other places I found after class that I think could be good. 

Tomorrow in class, my group will get together and share ideas and we will make a final decision about our location. 

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