Thursday, July 18, 2013

Photo Shoot!

We had our photo shoot this morning! I think it went really well. We took a lot of pictures in the lobby of the building, and then we went out to our fire station to take some pictures there. I was the model for our group, and my makeup was heavy black eyeliner and red lipstick. I also wore there earrings made out of matches. 
 It was cool to take pictures at the fire station, even though it was really hot today. After taking some pictures, we knocked on the door until someone answered and asked to take some pictures inside the station. There wasn't a fire truck in, but there was a smaller fire car, and we also took some pictures in front of a wall that had pictures of all the firemen on it; they even let me wear a fireman helmet for a few pictures! 
In the afternoon, we worked on our axonometric drawings. We transferred them to Bristol paper and started painting them. 

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