Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Finished Dress!

We finished the dress today! We had to redo part of what we did last night because the way we had put the folded pieces on pointed down, whereas we want the dress to carry the viewer's eye up. In order to solve his problem, we took the pieces we had glued on off and re-glued them so that they pointed up. We had had some trouble figuring out what to do with the skirt, but we came up with a simple yet elegant design today, and I am very happy with the way the dress looks as a whole! I'm happy that we were able to glue the tracing paper pieces on in a way that still showed the colored paper underneath. 
In Paul's class, we learned the color wheel, and how to mix the colors so that they have the correct value. We used a grayscale to help match the colors to their value. 

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